2016 Guacamole Fund Organization Grants
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - www.a4nr.org
Arts for the Schools - www.artsfortheschools.org
Berks Gas Truth - www.gastruth.org
Beyond Nuclear (for Don't Waste Michigan) - http://dwmi.homestead.com
Buffalo Field Campaign - www.buffalofieldcampaign.org
Center for Biological Diverrsity - www.biologicaldiversity.org
Citizens Awareness Network - www.nukebusters.org
Clean Water Fund - www.cleanwaterfund.org
Committee to Bridge the Gap - www.committeetobridgethegap.org
Deschutes Land Trust - www.deschuteslandtrust.org
Frack Action - www.frackaction.org
Friends of the LA River - www.folar.org
Head Count - www.headcount.org
HEAL Utah - www.healutah.org
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition - www.ipsecinfo.org
Missourians for Safe Energy - http://blog.midmopeaceworks.org/p/about-us.html
Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation - www.matrr.org
Mothers for Peace - www.mothersforpeace.org
NC Warn - www.ncwarn.org
No Voice Unheard - www.novoiceunheard.org
Northwest Environmental Advocates - www.northwestenvironmentaladvocates.org
Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) (Great Lakes) - www.neis.org
Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) ( Domestic/International ) - www.nirs.org
NukeWatch - www.nukewatchinfo.org
Ojai Raptor Center www.ojairaptorcenter.org
Red Lightening (Standing Rock Satellite) - www.redlightning.org/standingrock/
Savanah River Watch - www.srswatch.org
Sierra Club South Carolina (Statewide) - www.sierraclub.org/south-carolina
Snake River Alliance - www.snakeriveralliance.org
Southwest Research and Information Center (New Mexico) - www.sric.org
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - www.standingrock.org
Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz Chapter - www.santacruz.surfrider.org
Sustainable Energy & Economic Development Coalition (SEED) - www.seedcoalition.org
Tri-Valley CAREs - www.trivalleycares.org
Veterans for Peace - www.veteransforpeace.org
Western Environmental Law Center - www.westernlaw.org
Western Watersheds Project - www.westernwatersheds.org